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Send Neil Sedaka to the Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame

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... Site updated on Tuesday, 11 February 2025

19271Gene J Angell, Bellmore, U.S.A.
I am convinced, Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame.

19270Francine Grace, Columbus, U.S.A.
I am convinced, Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame.

19269Abdulaziz Al Saud, Jeddah , Saudi Arabia
I am convinced, Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame. He is better than some of the others in that damn hall

19268Denis Bellemans, Turnhout, Belgium
I am convinced, Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame.

19267Someny Rock, New Delhi, India
I am convinced, Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame. Neil Sedaka wrote some great music.

19266Barbara Rivera, Traverse City, U.S.A.
I am convinced, Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame.

19265Sally Howell, Michigan, U.S.A.
I am convinced, Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame.

19264Stefito Slegers, Antwerp, Belgium
I am convinced, Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame.

19263Tony blackmon, Woodstock, alabama, U.S.A.
I am convinced, Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame.

19262Michael Watson, Bakersfield California, U.S.A.
I am convinced, Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame. Read the book Neil Sedaka Rock 'n' roll Survivor, The inside story of his incredible comeback... This petition is even mentioned by the author Rich Podolsky (Author). (Afterword by Phil Cody), (Foreword by Elton John).

19261Linda Massey, South East Queensland, Australia
I am convinced, Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame. Neil Sedaka has been a major force in the music Business since the '50s, has written every type of music and is still writing and performing sold out shows in 2018, this is the reason Neil Sedaka should be Inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

19260Joni Gabaldon, Alberta, Canada
Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame. He has a made a tremondous contribution to rock n' roll during his huge career. He has influenced too many artists to mention. Let's induct Neil Sedaka into the Rock N' Roll Hall of Fame.

19259Alime Gramegna, Rome, Italy
I am convinced, Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame.

19258Mary McConville, New Rochelle - New York, U.S.A.
I am convinced, Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame.

19257Silvia Gerak, New York City, U.S.A.
I am convinced, Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame. HE DESERVES THIS HONOR WHILE HE IS STILL ALIVE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

19256Leo Johnson , Palm Coast, U.S.A.
I am convinced, Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame. it's been too long yet your act together

19255Malcolm Barlow, Whitley Bay, United Kingdom
I am convinced, Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame. Fantastic all round song writer, musician, performer, entertainer and thoroughly genuine guy. I saw him a few months back in concert at the Sage Gateshead-Awesome! Neil, thanks for being you

19254Louis Constantinople, Jensen Beach, U.S.A.
I am convinced, Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame.

19253Margie Patton, Springfield, U.S.A.
Neil Sedaka is a creative genius. This is such a cliche that it doesn't have to full impact that it should. NEIL SEDAKA IS A CREATIVE GENIUS. He has NO equal.

19252David Solomon, London, United Kingdom
I am convinced, Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame.

19251Michael W. Church, Oklahoma City, U.S.A.
Come on people I am convinced already, Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame.

19250Alex Lekzet, Moscow, Russia
I am convinced, Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame.

19249bruce french, carbonear5, Canada
I am convinced, Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame.

19248Rene Guthshmidt, Groningen, Netherlands
I am convinced, Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame.

19247Barbara Thomson, Idaho Falls, U.S.A.
I am convinced, Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame.

19246Brian Keple, Duncan, Canada
I am convinced, Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame.

19245Alan R Mann, Southport, United Kingdom
I am convinced, Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame. Great songs through several decades.

19244Brian K Savage, Swanton VT, U.S.A.
I am convinced, Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame.

19243Elizabeth Curatolo, Mineola, U.S.A.
I am convinced, Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame. He is so worthy of this. With all the music he has written and sang and performed. It would be a disgrace if he is overlooked for this honor. An honor he DESERVES.

19242Rita Rae Kruesel, Rochester, U.S.A.
I am convinced, Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame. He has been and still is one of the finest and well known artists of the rock and roll era. Whoever is not letting him in, PLEASE reconsider as its a huge injustice. Thank you.

19241Lucio Couto, Varginha, Brazil
I am convinced, Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame. Neil is a greatest artist. Lula free. Lucio Couto

19240David Meer PhD, Denver, U.S.A.
I am convinced that Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame. David Meer, PhD

19239Bruce Powell, Venice, U.S.A.
I am convinced, Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame.

19238Bill Gable, Ft Pierce , U.S.A.
I am convinced, Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame. This is a no brainer!!

19237Louisa Calcaterra, TROY, U.S.A.
I am convinced, Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame.

19236Cornelia Gonzales, Artesia, U.S.A.
I am convinced, Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame.

19235David Mitchell, Sanford, U.S.A.
I am convinced, Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame.

19234Dana Porat, Haifa, Israel
I am convinced, Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame.

19233Robert Mulligan, Effort, U.S.A.
I am convinced, Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame.

19232LuAnn Johnston , Sarnia, U.S.A.
I am convinced, Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame.

19231Karen Patton, Chicago, U.S.A.
Anyone whose lyrics can still move me to tears after 40 years, deserves to be honored. Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame.

19230Jann Bee, Greece NY, U.S.A.
I am convinced, Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame.

19229Mary Mitchell, Sanford, U.S.A.
I am convinced, Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame.

19228Anushya Sundaresan, California, U.S.A.
I am convinced, Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame.

19227Jahanzaib, Karachi, Pakistan
I am convinced, Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame.

19226Claudia Haus, Madison WI, U.S.A.
I am convinced, Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame. So many great hits!

19225Colleen Leclerc, Winnipeg, Canada
I am convinced, Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame.

19224Hartmut Kemmer, Lingen, Germany
I am convinced, Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame.

19223Ma Vikteris Tabuzo , Melbourne , Australia
I am convinced, Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame.

19222Ralph Moss, Brooksville, U.S.A.
I am convinced, Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame.

19221Julie Alloway , London, United Kingdom
I am convinced, Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame.

19220Jerald Green, Winchester Bay, U.S.A.
I am convinced, Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame.

19219Lauri Wiow, Wayne, U.S.A.
Neil Sedaka is as important to rock and roll as Carol King, Ellie Greenwich and everyone else who came out of the Brill Building. You inducted Neil Diamond. Well Neil Sedaka is just as good and important as Neil Diamond.

19218Carolyn Pickelsimer, Gastonia, U.S.A.
I am convinced, Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame. He was such a wonderful influence on my generation growing up. He is a wonderful and talented musician.

19217Joseph Trapani, South Palinfield, U.S.A.
I am convinced, Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame. It's a shame they put a rap Group NWA in and others like Jan & Dean are left out.

19216Romolo Benedetti, Rome, Italy
I am convinced, Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame.

19215Barbara Ann Stockton, Pelkie, U.S.A.
I am convinced he, Neil Sedaka ,HAS NOT BEEN placed into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame and SHOULD BE WITHOUT a doubt. Talented in MANY ways.

19214Derek Barber, Peterborough, United Kingdom
I am convinced, Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame.

19213Bjorn Antonsen, Klofta, Norway
I am convinced, Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame.

19212John R Maloney , Baton Rouge , U.S.A.
I am convinced, Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame.

19211James Malebranche, Plainfield, U.S.A.
I am convinced, Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame.

19210Alexis Weber, Roswell, U.S.A.
I am convinced, Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame.

19209George j Cameron, Sun City Arizona , U.S.A.
I am convinced, Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame. Without a doubt a total joke & travesty that he has been neglected all this time! Should have gone in very early in it?s existence.

19208Veronica Orlando, New Castle , U.S.A.
I am convinced, Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame.

19207Kathy Okerlund, Bountiful Utah, U.S.A.
I am convinced, Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame. It's high time!!! Do it SOON.

19206Selena Middleton, Los Angeles, U.S.A.
I am convinced, Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame. Neil Sedaka deserves to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame as much as or MORE than any other artist being given that honor. His contribution to the music industry is beyond measure and induction for Neil is long overdue.

19205Camila Hopkins, San Francisco, U.S.A.
I am convinced, Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame. It's about time ! ! !

19204Marley Hill, Pietersburg, South Africa
I am convinced, Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame.

19203Cory Mccullough, Manchester, United Kingdom
I am convinced, Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame.

19202Mrs. Donna White, Birmingham, United Kingdom
I am convinced, Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame. He has contributed , so much to the music industry ,and inspired so many artistes , such a wonderful talent , let's not let this go unrecognised , please .

19201Brittany Hamilton, London, United Kingdom
I am convinced, Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame. A contribution such as Neil Sedaka's, spanning more than 60 years of singing and songwriting and spawning hits for so many artists! should be recognized. Neil's writing clearly had an influence on the development and direction of pop-rock music over several decades.

19200Addison Blakely, London, United Kingdom
I am convinced, Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame.. This man is a GIANT in the industry and this is long overdue. His songs are timeless classics that he has written and sang himself and they have also been performed by some of the greatest artists of our time!!! Neil Sedaka is without a doubt one of the pioneers of Rock & Roll!!

19199Anne Welding, Bolton, United Kingdom
I am convinced, Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame. He has contributed so much over 50 years in the business!

19198Steve Mercuri, florence, U.S.A.
I am convinced, Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame. Give him his due. One of the best ever.

19197Joel Block, Staten Island, U.S.A.
I am convinced, Neil Sedaka should be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame.

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This petition and the scripts are created and written by Jef Van Gorp, Belgium, Arendonk, Belgium - (c) 2025
Thanks to Neil Sedaka Fans for their help, and all who included the petition link on YouTube
Also visit the Official Neil Sedaka website and NEIL SEDAKA on FACEBOOK